
There are many types of sky - blue sky , night sky , cloudy sky , "angry"sky

What is the sky means ?

The dictionary had told me the meaning of sky ...

Sky is the space above the EARTH which you can see if you look up .

So, when i was looked up , my sky was blue .

The sky , though it is blue but i like it so much , because i like blue .

Why the sky was blue ?

Because the sky isn't go to the sky by the car , that's why the sky will be blue .

Since there was a heavy rain on the day , the colour of sky had changed gradually .

After the heavy rain , the rainbow is in the sky , and i know that my sky will not be blue again.

Although the blue is try to come back into my sky to become blue again but it is fail to do it . 

I will also not to let the sky become blue again , i will try to let my sky having lots of colours and become colourful 

So, my sky will change from blue to another colour soon , so wait for the day .

This phrase is hard to understand actually , so that's all for now .


This post is meaningful, each sentence has its meaning , though the sentence is weird.

Someone tell me that she dunno what is this post talking about .

So ..

Do you know what i want to show you in this post actually ?

If you know it , please leave your comment here .

Thank you .



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